Sponsor A Cockatoo
Could you help a cockatoo here at our Sanctuary by sponsorship?
A large percentage of our cockatoos here at the Sanctuary do not have a sponsor, some have no previous family who cares about them that we know of, some of the cockatoos come here anonymously (as previous cruelty cases) and some from other rescues. Some are given to the Sanctuary personally brought here but the family do not ever contact us again nor ask about their bird, even after many many years of ownership.
We are a registered charity and if you do not already know, animal charities do not receive government nor lottery funding at all, we have to rely on public donations to be able to keep going and it is always a struggle.
The number of people who keep a cockatoo as a pet is relatively small in comparison to that number which keep a cat or dog, and it is usually only that small number who would consider donating to a cockatoo sanctuary. But cockatoos are just as much in need of a sanctuary as any other animal when they become lost and unwanted through no fault of their own, by lost I mean without a family. If you keep a cockatoo you will know the costs involved and also know that knowledge of how to care for them is paramount to their well being, our charity specifically for cockatoos is a vital one, we do not rehome any of the birds which come here, we are a sanctuary for life.
Here on this page are SOME of our resident cockatoos which do not have a sponsor.
There are links to charity checkout directly from the images of each individual bird. We do not specify any amount as everyone has their own budget and their limit of disposable income so we are extremely grateful for any amount you can afford or would like to donate.
Your sponsorship means we can provide the correct accommodation and diet for these cockatoos and often veterinary care is needed, all our funds go 100% to caring for the cockatoos. We run on a voluntary basis, we do not take salaries.
In exchange for a sponsorship we will send you a plush cockatoo with branded scarf **
Sponsorship could be a wonderful idea as a gift for any adult for a birthday/anniversary or any special occasion gift. Or perhaps a gift for a child or a collective school sponsorship. Please contact us for further information.
Please note you can also sponsor a cockatoo directly via PayPal. Our PayPal address is: info@cockatoosanctuary.org
Please just leave a note with the Paypal payment which cockatoo the sponsorship is for.
If you wish to sponsor, donate monthly or donate as a one off directly to the charity bank account please contact us for bank details.
We publish a list of sponsors and donators (if you do not wish to be made public just add 'anonymous' on your donation
** Please note due to our small income the charity can only provide the small plush cockatoo for monthly sponsorships of £5 minimum or one off/annual sponsorships of £30 minimum. Sponsorships over £15.00 monthly will receive the larger plush cockatoo.
Thank you for your understanding.

Raffie is a male Sulphur Crested Cockatoo.

Poppy is a 31 yr old Yellow Crested cockatoo she arrived at the Sanctuary in September 2019 Now sponsored thank you

Lovely Delilah is a Citron Crested cockatoo, came to the sanctuary with some others after her breeder/owner died, she has been previously attacked by a male and has a permanently damaged beak. She has no sponsor.

Raffie is a male Sulphur Crested Cockatoo.
Click on the photo which will bring up the slider gallery showing each cockatoo, click the right arrow to see each photo. When you see a cockatoo you are interested in sponsoring click on that photo which takes you to their individual information page and link to sponsor.